GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Branding and Marketing Agencies

The University of Florida has a pool of pre-approved branding and communications agencies to provide services to the campus colleges, departments, and units.


As individual colleges and units implement their respective marketing plans to meet recruiting, fundraising, legislative, and reputation goals, one voice must be used to elevate the overall stature of the University of Florida. 

The agencies below responded to an Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) and were selected in 2023 by a committee of representatives from Procurement and several college and unit communications directors. The agencies range in size and capabilities, from handling small projects to major campaigns, and all have access to branding tools and resources.

Each agency agreed to special rates for UF clients as part of their proposals. However, if you have established relationships with other agencies or freelance designers, you may continue to work with them.

Note: Projects or campaigns that cost more than $150,000 require using one of these pre-approved agencies or a Public Solicitation, handled by UF Procurement (the process takes a minimum of three months). Using pre-approved agencies precludes needing additional quotes. If using an agency not listed here, remember University policy requires three quotes when costs are between $10,000 and $150,000.

Awareness and communication regarding your efforts are critical to maintaining a consistent brand. Please get in touch with the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing before submitting an RFP to outside agencies. Assistance can be provided, and feedback considerations regarding goals, timelines, and best practices can be offered.

Branding Agencies

&Well –

311 Media –

Acevox LLC –

All Campus –


Carnegie Dartlet –

Dalton –

DeVito Verdi –

EddyAlexander –

Evok Advertising –

FUSE Ideas –

Frankel –

Furman Roth –

H2M Brand Haus –

Heavy Content –

Hybrid Media –

Infinity –

Liquid Creative –

MBB Agency –

Mason Interactive Inc –

Mercury Public Affairs –

Nobox –

Ologie –

Parisleaf –

Push Digital –

Risepoint (formerly Wiley) –

SCAD Media –

Sextant Marketing –

Stamats –

Starmark –

Trickey Jennus –

Umbrella Digital LLC-

Vision Point Marketing-

Visual Goodness Inc-

Waymaker –