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Campus Service Providers

All units should consult with on-campus service centers before using outside vendors for work, including design, production, printing, art, photography, and video production. Working with university service centers and adhering to visual standards will help the University of Florida achieve an effective, efficient, and cost-conscious communications program.

Campus Communications Service Providers

The Agency

Mark Rottensteiner, Accounts Director
Laurent Burman, Executive Director
1000 Weimer Hall
(352) 294-3848

An auxiliary of the University of Florida, The Agency™ is a strategic communication firm within the College of Journalism and Communications (CJC) specializing in research-based advertising, public relations, and communications to create inspired and informed multi-faceted campaigns. As the first of its kind, The Agency is something between an agency partner, a dedicated freelance team, and a managed, scalable internship program with full-time professional oversight.

We tap into motivated, professionally minded, highly diverse students and select faculty advisors at CJC and across UF to delight partners. Led by professionals, staffed by students, and inspired by faculty, The Agency ™ provides work for UF, Fortune 50 & 100 brands, national and international agencies, and small businesses. Our services include research, strategy, creative, social media management, eCommerce marketing, video production, website, and mobile app development.

Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC)

1740 McCarty Dr., Building 162

The Teaching and Learning Collaborative is a place for faculty to enhance their teaching and mentoring efficacy, scholarship, and leadership through dynamic programs, specialized services, and enriching events.

Digital Worlds Institute

101 Norman Gym
(352) 294-2000

Digital Worlds Studios offers design and production services to on- and off-campus entities. These services include concept development, storyboards, pre-visualization, graphic design, 2D and 3D modeling and animation, chroma-keying, compositing, motion capture, simulations, video production, high-end presentations, information displays, interactive kiosks, webcasting and conferencing, virtual reality productions, augmented reality experiences and applications, game design, and game development.

IFAS Communications Services

2343 Mowry Road, Bldg. 69
Phone: (352) 392-2411

UF/IFAS Media Relations
Graphic design
Web design
Identity products
Publications consulting/Extension Bookstore
Video production

Mail Services

Gene Sharp
3030 Radio Road
(352) 294-3350

Mail Services processes and delivers all incoming and outgoing USPS mail and Amazon packages for the University. We have two retail locations for students, staff, and visitors to mail and ship packages. Our Radio Road location sells stamps, ships both USPS & UPS packages and is an official U.S. Passport Facility. Mail Services also operates a USPS Contract Station at the Health Science Center that sell stamps, mail packages, and sell USPS Postal Money Orders. Give us a call if you have any mailing or shipping questions.

UF Health Creative Services

While in step with the overall UF identity, UF Health (which includes the Health Science Center’s six health-related colleges, research centers, institutes, and programs) has its own unique set of identity standards to maintain the integrity of its established brand.

UF Information Technology

  • Center for Instructional Technology and Training
    • Media Productions
      • Studio services
      • Field productions
      • On-demand studio
    • Instructional Design
      • Course development and consultations for online, blended, and technology-enhanced courses
      • Recommendations for student engagement, assessment, and learning analytics
      • Guidance on course and media accessibility and ADA compliance
      • Consulting on course management and efficiency, learning tools, and educational technologies
    • Web Services
      • Web development, design, and consultations
      • Graphics and interactive media
      • Web accessibility
      • T4 and WordPress platforms
  • Video and Collaboration Services 
    • Streaming and Recording
    • MyMediasite and Mediasite recording
    • Live and hybrid events
    • Zoom and webinars
    • Captioning
  • Accessibility
    • Electronic Information Technology Accessibility Policy and Guidance
    • SensusAccess
    • SiteImprove

WUFT Media Services


WUFT specializes in live event production, live studio talkbacks, broadcast television programs, advertising and marketing content, 360 content, and photography.

Talkback studio for anyone requested to go live on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Eurovision, etc. The service is available for UF professors, politicians, and more.
PBS/NPR affiliate stations looking for a connection at the University of Florida
360 content production for digital tours of spaces, etc.
Podcast recording, studio space, and post-production
Large studio spaces for all kinds of projects

Unit Services

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

2001 McCarthy Hall D, PO Box 110270
(352) 392-1963

College of the Arts News, Events & Publications

101 Fine Arts Building A
(352) 392-0207

Warrington College of Business

100 Bryan Hall, PO Box 117190
(352) 392-2397 x1222

College of Dentistry Office of Communications

Dental Science Building, PO Box 100405
(352) 273-5782

College of Design, Construction & Planning Communications

360 Architecture Building, PO Box 115701
(352) 294-1421

College of Education News & Publications

258 Normal Hall, PO Box 117044
(352) 392-0728

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

300 Weil Hall, PO Box 116550
(352) 392-6000

College of Health and Human Performance

200 Florida Gym, Stadium Road
(352) 392-0578 x 1280

College of Journalism and Communications

2096 Weimer Hall, 1885 Stadium Road
(352) 392-0466

Levin College of Law

309 Village Drive, PO Box 117621
(352) 273-0650

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

2326 Turlington Hall, PO Box 117300
(352) 846-2032

College of Medicine

C3-25 Health Center, PO Box 100215
(352) 273-5810

College of Nursing

4219 HPNP, 1225 Center Drive
(352) 273-6395

College of Pharmacy

HPNP Building, Room 4332, PO Box 100484
(352) 273-6873

College of Public Health and Health Professions

HPNP Building, Room 4181
(352) 273-5816

College of Veterinary Medicine

2015 SW 16th Ave., PO Box 100125
(352) 294-4242