GLOBAL Alert Overide

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Other Marks

Century Tower

Century Tower is one of the most identifiable features of the University of Florida campus. Located in the heart of campus, the tower commemorates the 100th year anniversary of the University of Florida’s founding in 1853. It is a monument in memory of students killed in World War I and World War II. Century Tower houses a cast-bell carillon and is one of only four towers in Florida to do so.

Because of the distinguished heritage and history, the use of Century Tower iconography is reserved for the Office of the President and the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing.

UF Tower Icon

Fighting Gator

The Vintage Fighting Gator

The University of Florida’s Athletic Association’s Vintage Fighting Gator logo is reserved for use by Athletics and the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing.

Athletic Trademarks

The University of Florida athletic trademarks and mascots, including “Florida Gators” text as a combined naming convention, are reserved for use by the University Athletic Association and its entities. Use is prohibited in communications that promote non-athletic activities and entities.

Athletic LogosAthletic Logos