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Print Standards

These identity and graphics standards have been developed to provide visual consistency while allowing designers creative freedom.

Logo Usage and Graphic Elements

All University of Florida publications must appear related, sharing common graphic elements to provide a consistent visual image.

  • Only the UF logo should be clearly and prominently displayed on the front cover of all university publications. College department logos are not allowed on the cover of publications. However, the college name may be typeset when incorporated into the publication masthead.
    • In the case of one-sided printed materials, the secondary logo can be used if necessary but must be kept to the lower third of the page.
  • No other logo affiliated with the University of Florida may appear on the cover of publications. Certain circumstances may warrant an exception to this rule, in which case a request may be sent to the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing for consideration.
  • Logos of non-UF partner institutions, such as funding or research partners, may be included on covers with the University of Florida logo. Prior approval is required. Sufficient separation between logos must be maintained. The UF logo must remain dominant.
  • University units with long-standing logos can use such marks only on specialty advertising materials.
  • In magazines, the University of Florida logo must also appear on the masthead and the back cover. When and where appropriate, the words “University of Florida” should be used in page folios (ex: footer or header placement).
  • The logo may be printed over a photograph, texture, or another image, provided they remain a prominent visual element. Please use your judgement as a designer and follow overall best practices when considering using the logo.
  • Licensed or promotional products displaying established college, department, or unit logos are acceptable – as long as they are not used in conjunction with the University logo, wordmark, or monogram.

Ytori magazine cover

Dean's report

Print Color Palette

The University of Florida’s official color palette (PMS, CMYK, Web) must remain a dominant design element enhanced by a palette of complementary and accent colors. For more information, see Color Standards.

Logo Usage and Graphic Elements

Accurate application of the identity standards will ensure a consistent representation of the institution’s image.

The University of Florida logo must be used in all advertising and appear prominently in the layout. When a second logo is used, the university logo should remain the more dominant of the two.

law school brag sheet