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Trademarks – Student Organizations

This section provides licensing and trademark guidance for registered student organizations (RSO) based on their classification status (General RSO or University Sponsored RSO).

See the RSO Classification and Officer Eligibility Policy for more information about student organization status or classification designation.

If you are unsure of your student organization’s status or classification designation, contact Student Activities and Involvement at or 352-392-1671.

All student organizations are prohibited from using the name, logos, or branding of the University of Florida or the University Athletic Association.

Trademark Use and Language Requirements for Registered Student Organizations

Allowed for Use

  • University of Florida Brand Colors
  • The words “at the University of Florida” AFTER your organization’s name
  • University-Sponsored Student Organization (USSO) – If your organization is classified as a University-Sponsored Student Organization (USSO), it may be eligible to use your unit’s branding — if granted explicit permission from the sponsoring department’s leadership.
  • General Registered Student Organization (GRSO) – If your organization is classified as a General Registered Student Organization (GRSO), it is allowed to use the words “Gator” and “Florida” in the organization’s name.

Not Allowed for Use

Merchandise and License Vendors

When printing on merchandise (including t-shirts, water bottles, or other promotional materials), USSOs and GRSOs must spell out the full organization’s name on the product instead of using an acronym.

Greek-letter organizations (fraternities, sororities, service organizations, honor societies, etc.) are not required to spell out the name if using the Greek alphabet.

USSOs are required to purchase merchandise and promotional material through UF-licensed vendors. Licensed vendors should be familiar with the process. The list of vendors is here. (Enter the product of interest and the University of Florida for the institution to begin your search).

GRSOs may choose any licensed vendor for merchandise printing. However, they are encouraged to use the UF-licensed vendors listed above.

College/Department Student Groups/Teams

T-Shirt Sample

USSOs may use “Gator” or “Gators” in conjunction with the departmental name or with the “at the University of Florida” designation AFTER their name. For example, “Career Connections Center’s Employer Relations Ambassadors at the University of Florida.”

T-Shirt Sample

GRSOs may use “at the University of Florida” or “at UF” designation AFTER their name. For example, “Blue Leaders at the University of Florida” or “Blue Leaders at UF.” They may not use “UF’s Blue Leaders” or “The University of Florida’s Blue Leaders.”


For questions on trademark use, contact

For questions on student organizations or their classification, contact