GLOBAL Alert Overide

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The University Seal

The University Seal symbolizes the formal authority vested in the university. Adopted by the institution over 100 years ago, it is used in our most prestigious and distinguished communications. The seal, an homage to the Seal of the Great State of Florida, incorporates our motto, Civium in moribus rei publicae salus (The welfare of the state depends upon the morals of its citizens), and founding date. Because of its distinguished heritage, the seal is reserved for exclusive official and ceremonial uses. The seal should not be altered in any way.

Approved Uses

  • Materials from the Office of the President
  • Retirement recognitions, such as plaques and certificates
  • Graduation diplomas and certificates

The University Seal

Recommended Alternatives to the University Seal

  • The vertical UF logo
  • The primary logo

Note: Only University of Florida offices and departments have permission to use the UF logos. University-approved and licensed vendors can provide guidance on alternatives.

Perpetual Plaques

If a perpetual plaque has the University of Florida seal placed on it before March 2021, it can remain on the award until that plaque’s slots have been filled. Once the spaces have been filled and a new plaque is commissioned, the University Seal may not be used on the newest plaque.

If consistency is desired between the plaques, an alternative is to replace the seal with the UF logo. The University of Florida isn’t responsible for the change or damage that could be incurred for the update.