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Trademarks – External Guidelines

External Guidelines

A trademark licensing program gives the university control over its logos and marks, thus ensuring the quality and consistency of all uses and merchandise. The university’s signature, seal, and other marks are registered and protected by law.

The name, marks, and image of the University of Florida cannot be used to imply or suggest endorsement of any product or service not provided by the university. Colleges, schools, departments, offices, centers, and other university units do not need approval to use the university’s registered marks for official use.

Use of the University of Florida’s name and trademarks by organizations that are not official university departments or recognized student organizations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The university’s licensing office will review items.

Basic Guidelines

  • The university recognizes that many groups support the institution, from academics to athletics (i.e., booster clubs). However, regardless of use, any group wanting to use the university’s trademarks on a product must purchase the product from a current university licensee. By supporting the university’s licensing initiatives, organizations can assist the university by ensuring that products bearing a UF logo are of the highest quality and meet all insurance and contractual requirements. The licensee is responsible for obtaining approval from the Licensing Department and remitting the university’s royalty on the product’s wholesale price.
  • If a booster club wishes to use one of the University of Florida’s trademarks in its logo, written permission must be obtained from the Licensing Department. The verbiage “supporting the University of Florida” or “supporting ___ at the University of Florida” must be included on all letterhead, publications, etc. All materials using the university logo must be submitted for approval before production.
  • Booster clubs may use sponsor names on merchandise only with written approval from the Licensing Department. The organization’s name must be included in the design to communicate that the relationship is a partnership with the organization, not the university. A rights fee plus royalties may be assessed based on the program’s scope.
  • Businesses may use the university’s trademarks in a non-permanent fixture (i.e., window painting, removable lettering on marquees) supporting university events.
  • Rights fees and royalties for using the university’s trademarks will be assessed in all instances.
  • The university has over 500 licensees nationwide and numerous in-state and locally licensed companies.

Prohibited Use

  • Alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, religious, and sexually explicit graphics/descriptions are prohibited in conjunction with the university’s wordmarks or trademarks.
  • The unauthorized use of other trademarks is prohibited in conjunction with the university’s wordmarks or trademarks.
  • Using the university seal on any product other than materials from the Office of the President, retirement recognitions, graduation diplomas/certificates, or commemorative recognitions submitted from the Vice President of Business Affairs Office is prohibited.
  • Implying endorsement, approval, or underwriting of any organization, product, activity, service, or contract by the University of Florida is prohibited.
  • Businesses may not use the university’s trademarks to promote their products or services in print advertising, radio, or television without a promotional contract or written permission from the Licensing Department.
  • Businesses may not establish a permanent statue or icon or paint a mural on the front or inside of a place of business that includes the university’s trademarks or likenesses without written permission from the Licensing Department.
  • Businesses or organizations may not use the university’s trademarks in any advertisements, on websites or banners, etc., without written permission from the Licensing Department.
  • Businesses may not produce merchandise for resale or give-away that uses the university’s trademarks and its name or logo without written permission from the Licensing Department.
  • Individuals or businesses may not use the university’s trademarks on a website without written permission from the Licensing Department. The university will provide a disclaimer for use on the site if approved.
  • Individuals or organizations may not use the university’s trademarks in conjunction with a candidate for political office or policy/legislative issues without written permission from the Licensing Department.
  • Individuals or organizations may not use the university’s trademarks in conjunction with a candidate for political office or policy/legislative issues without written permission from the Licensing Department.
  • The university does not allow its trademarks to be used in conjunction with not-for-profit organizations unless the association is tied to a specific campus department or event.

This page serves as a concise overview of licensing protocols at the University of Florida. For comprehensive legal agreements, please contact the Licensing Manager listed on this page.