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Trademarks – Internal Guidelines

Colleges, schools, departments, offices, centers, and other university units do not need approval to use the university’s registered marks for official use.

All designs with university logos, wordmarks, or trademarks are required to use an approved University of Florida licensed manufacturer or vendor.

The Licensing Department approves all custom-designed products using university-protected wordmarks or logos.

Royalty-Bearing Products

  • Any item for resale for any reason including, but not limited to, sold to the general public, sold to members, family, or friends, sold to faculty, staff, or students, sold for fundraising within the department, school, or student club or student organization.
  • Any item featuring a sponsor or commercial message (subject to a promotional royalty and must have no conflict with the corporate sponsor).
  • Any item that is given away at an event with a registration fee.
  • All other uses of marks, unless noted below, are royalty-bearing.

Royalty Exempt Products

  • Campus Department collateral.
    • Must be purchased with university/department funds.
    • Must include the department’s name or event.
    • Must be clearly differentiated from a retail product.
  • Items used for the operation of the department such as stationery, business cards, nameplates, name tags, staff shirts, and uniforms.
  • Promotional items used to promote the department, instructional programs, or events directly sponsored by the university.

Sport Clubs

  • Uniforms or competition-required apparel are exempt from royalties for Sport Club Teams recognized through the University of Florida’s RecSports Program.
    • All designs must include the term “Club” and should be submitted to the Licensing Department for approval.
    • Use of a licensed vendor is required unless the Licensing Department can identify no licensed vendor.

Prohibited Use

  • Alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, religious, and sexually explicit graphics/descriptions are prohibited in conjunction with the university’s wordmarks or trademarks.
  • The unauthorized use of other trademarks is prohibited in conjunction with the university’s wordmarks or trademarks.
  • Using current student-athlete names on commercial merchandise violates NCAA rules and may result in the student-athlete being declared ineligible.
  • Using the university seal on any product other than materials from the Office of the President, retirement recognitions, graduation diplomas/certificates, or commemorative recognitions submitted from the Vice President of Business Affairs Office is prohibited.
  • Implying endorsement, approval, or underwriting of any organization, product, activity, service, or contract by the University of Florida is prohibited.

This page serves as a concise overview of licensing protocols at the University of Florida. For comprehensive legal agreements, please contact the Licensing Manager listed on this page.